4 Things to Do When There’s No Trade to be Made

Durante las próximas semanas estaremos compartiendo algunos artículos que nos parecen de gran interés para las personas interesadas en el trading. Como personalmente odiamos las malas traducciones compartiremos el articulo tal como fue escrito originalmente. La fuente se encuentra al final de la pagina.

Posted by TopstepTrader on September 19, 2018

Trading While Bored

Overtrading. It’s a bad habit.

Sometimes, we make trades for the simple fact that we are in front of our computers and the markets are open. Then, we hold onto those trades and make them positions — it’s a vicious cycle that often ends up in losses and ties up capital that we could be using when the market does present an opportunity.

So, instead of placing that next trade when the market isn’t there, here are four things to do instead.

Close your computer and go somewhere.

There is nothing that is keeping you at your computer all day, every day. So get up. Go outside. Go for a walk. Do something that you’re passionate about. Spend time with friends or family. Watch a movie. Binge on Billions. Feed your passion for trading in a different way. Just stop trading.

Paper trade. 

If you are in a live account, open a sim account and trade there. If you’re in a Trading Combine, write trades down on paper. Heck, you can even make it interesting by saying that if a trade works out, you’ll buy yourself dinner — as though the simulated profits are real. 

If you can’t pull yourself away from the market because of a fear of missing out, then the next best thing you can do to keep yourself active is to trade… but not real money. 

Put in orders. 

So the market isn’t at a good level now, but where would you like to see it before buying or selling? You have to realize that trading as a profession is more than being in a position at the moment, but is also the act of looking at charts and doing the homework.

If the market moved to a level that you would consider it a screaming buy (or sell), where would those levels be? What would you do when the market reached them? Putting in an order is trading. You just wait on the market to react. 

Smash something. Like your computer. 

We’re only partly joking. If the only way that you can stop yourself from overtrading is smashing your computer, then do it. We have no doubt that it will save you money in the long run.

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Artículo original: https://blog.topsteptrader.com/what-to-do-when-you-shouldnt-trade


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